Declarative knowledge is characterized by being descriptive and prepositional . That is, information is used that is stored within memory and which in turn is permanent. It can be applied in any situation in which it is necessary to find a solution. 

This is a type of knowledge that can also be referred to as procedural, because knowledge is handled that allows the person to react by adapting to the facts. It is important to mention that it is a conscious knowledge, because specific data is handled; about previously learned ideas and facts. 

What is declarative knowledge?

Declarative knowledge is a set of information that is obtained from experience . This previous knowledge about something in specific, Later it is used as a base to create a new knowledge; As well as to expand it. 

This is knowledge that is stored in the mind for the long term. Concepts and ideas that are consciously known are mentioned , specific facts are also integrated. The format in which they are expressed is through propositions, this means that it is a semantic content . Understanding it in another way, it is expressed from a series of signs, which can be interpreted according to a specific language . 

It is an explicit knowledge about a content that is processed by means of a temporary mental stimulation , a succession of components that are configured in a specific way is identified. In pedagogical terms, declarative knowledge has certain limitations regarding attention span. 

This information can be verbalized and becomes concrete by being able to read and listen to any statement. It implies having the ability to have a good understanding , in this way any element can be identified, to later issue an analysis or a conclusion . This way you can determine what are the aspects for or against, when making a decision. 

Types and characteristics of declarative knowledge

This is a type of knowledge that in turn is subdivided into two other types. One is factual knowledge and the other is conceptual knowledge, each of them is described below: 

  • Factual knowledge groups information such as names and dates. These data are always available, and can also be learned through repetition memorization. 

The difficulty it presents is that it can be easily forgotten, this happens when it is stored as isolated data . It is useful knowledge in certain cases, because it relies on exact memorization. For example, in the field of mathematics it is applied when it comes to functions such as square and cube roots. 

  • Conceptual knowledge implies making a more complex and deep understanding process about specific information. It depends largely on experimentation, especially when looking for meanings first hand. Su investigates the crafting and construction process. 

In the case of the academic area, this is structured knowledge based on rules, laws or principles . It is learned by being able to recognize its essential components and meanings. Statements that use nouns are usually expressed, it is assimilated and understood taking as a reference other property knowledge. The methodology for learning this information is experimental, but can be forgotten in the long term 

Declarative knowledge shows a series of particular characteristics that differentiates it from other typologies . There are several qualities that it presents and they are described below: 

  • Information is consciously stored, facts and ideas are included. In addition, concepts expressed as propositions are also integrated 
  • In order to learn this type of knowledge, the properties, purposes and relationships between various contents must be determined . Various mechanisms are applied such as reason, logic and reflection. 
  • Its objective is to understand the why of things. It tries to know all the related information .
  • It is information that is known and stored in the form of concepts, data, dates, laws and principles . This way they are easier to recognize. 
  • It can be expressed or declared using a particular type of language. 
  • In the educational field , declarative knowledge has an active participation in various school subjects. 

7 practical examples

Unlike other types of knowledge, in this case there are few examples that can help to understand how it works . Here are 7 practical examples that explain what it is: 

1 The alphabetical system 

This is perhaps the best example of declarative knowledge. This is because the alphabetic system is made up of a wide set of symbols or signs. This is dependent on specific rules and regulations for its use. Each of them is related to a concept, when you learn this system you will use all its information in the long term. 

2 Mathematics 

This is a complex example because it not only integrates with declarative knowledge, but also with procedural and conditional knowledge . This is due to the fact that a series of exercises is presented that must be solved through different mental mechanisms. 

Integrals are exercises that are a good example of declarative knowledge. However, when the person does not feel capable of achieving a successful resolution, it is a case of procedural knowledge. Not knowing how to use the resources shown there for its resolution is a case of conditional knowledge. 

3 The lists 

The use of lists is a very common pedagogical resource . It is a type of factual knowledge, because information can be handled in a much simpler way. This is how a series of data is ordered that can be the following: countries and cities, mathematical and chemical formulas, proper names of people and historical stages, book titles and more. 

4 Procedures 

There are different types of procedures that are used in order to acquire this type of knowledge. Examples of this type are statistical graphs , mathematical operations, algorithms, concept maps, and other types of methods; that allow to process large amounts of data. 

5 Scientific investigations 

As explained above, declarative knowledge is represented by information expressed in theories, opinions, and beliefs . Facts, passages and regulations are also integrated. There are various cognitive models that are related to the processing of this type of information, it must be considered that new content and ideas are always integrated. 

Various scientific investigations could be used as an example of this type of knowledge. This is the case in chemistry, where new discoveries are always being added. This is developing gradually, and helps to integrate new information that complements the existing one, facilitating its understanding. 

6 Verbal language 

In this case, any verbal system can be mentioned, this is because it is represented by means of a large set of diverse data. Not only are written rules integrated, there are also other rules that must be learned in order to maintain consistent communication . 

7 Books and documentaries

To learn, you can use any study tool that allows access to information . Books continue to be used, but there is also the documentary format; new information is constantly being added to these posts. 

They integrate educational content that is previously known to the public, which recognizes part of that same information and is able to predict what it might find. Its purpose is always to provide new information , and thus it is complemented. 

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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