Multiple types of substances that are generated naturally are responsible for the body to maintain its functions. It could be described that the human body, like that of other living beings, is made up of an adequate balance of a wide variety of chemical substances . Each of them has particular effects, these in turn intervene in the activation and continuity of processes that are essential for survival.

One of these substances is called a hormone, there is a wide typology of hormones that until now have been identified. Endorphins are hormones that are associated with physical pleasure and emotional stability . They tend to be activated when we carry out activities that give us a sensation of pleasure. These are chemicals that are naturally synthesized by the brain.

What are endorphins?

Endorphins are a type of hormone that has the ability to change mood. Therefore, they have been included in the category of hormones of happiness. These chemicals are produced by the body itself naturally, chemically they have the same capabilities as opioids , but without causing negative health effects. So far, 20 types of endorphins have been formally identified, most of them are produced in the pituitary gland and are responsible for the communication between neurons.

They have been shown to have pain relieving effects and in turn stimulate pleasant sensations in the brain. For this reason, it is normal for their segregation to increase considerably in satisfactory situations. This is the reason why it will seek to maintain adequate levels of this hormone to avoid painful sensations, they inhibit the transmission of pain information to the brain.

What are their characteristics?

Endorphins are also considered neurotransmitters because they are released through neurons. The purpose is to alleviate pain and promote pleasant sensations . Its analgesic effect or immediate response to pain is its main characteristic. Therefore, it is part of the group of opioid peptides such as enkephalins and dinorphins.

Endorphins are derived from a molecule called pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and is synthesized in the pituitary gland. When the sensory receptors for pain called nociceptors are activated in the body, the signals transmitted to the brain consciously generate other physiological mechanisms; one of them is from the opioid system. It occurs in an increase in the release of opioid peptides such as endorphins , these in turn bind to specific receptors through which the analgesic effect is induced.

What are its functions and benefits?

The main function of endorphins is to limit the sensation of pain . For them, each of the detectors of this stimulus is blocked, which is possible thanks to its characteristics that are similar to that of opioids. It has even been shown that the consumption of drugs such as morphine and heroin allow an increase in the production of endorphins. All of these substances possess the same chemical qualities by suppressing the receptors in the brain.

Naturally, a small amount of endorphins is released daily in the body. It is usually activated through high intensity activities such as physical exercise. In order for there to be an adequate balance between each and every one of the body’s hormones, the practice of activities that require us to regulate our breathing and keep our muscles moving must be integrated into our daily life .

It is remarkable how endorphins are directly associated with sex. Multiple scientific studies have shown that a greater amount of endorphins is released during orgasm. For this reason, it is usually recommended to have physical and emotional contact with the partner on a constant basis. Caresses and hugs automatically activate the production process of this hormone in the brain.

Endorphins can help prevent depressive states, which is why people who have been diagnosed with depression can be treated to stimulate an increase in its production. Likewise, endorphins regulate cognitive functions , along with other chemicals.

Where are you from?

Endorphins are produced in the brain organ. This is a process that begins through the synapse that occurs in thirteen of the brain, they have a direct effect on neighboring cells by stimulating the receptors. To be more specific, this occurs in the corpus callosum of the organ which serves as the nucleus where emotions are generated. The thalamus is responsible for transmitting impulses to the brain that have originated in different areas of the body.

For the body to start its production, it must receive multiple external stimuli such as pain and stress That is why hormones are always associated with the regulation of processes such as appetite and sexual functions. Because they are responsible for making us feel pleasure, these chemicals send messages to the brain directly to lymphocytes and other cells.

It also depends on the need to strengthen the immune system. Its production increases by multiplying, when the cells responsible for defending against viruses and bacteria must regenerate. In order to maintain a proper balance of endorphins, the body itself eliminates them through some enzymes.

How to increase your segregation?

To maintain good health, it is important that substances in the body are kept at adequate levels. There are numerous formulas and techniques that guarantee the activation and production of endorphins in a natural way . This is very important because the use of medications can cause side effects. The normal thing is that the organism releases small doses of endorphins, at the same time that some others are eliminated by means of the enzymes.

The most common advice is to practice daily activities that generate pleasure and satisfaction. In addition, it must be combined with a healthy lifestyle applied to food and physical exercise. Foods that are purely natural are the most recommended, you should avoid consuming processed foods that are made from chemical ingredients that are harmful to health.

Physical exercise is not just about practicing strict regimes in a gym, even daily walks through the city can contribute to the increase in endorphins. The best way to enjoy yourself is by planning activities like biking or organizing team game matches. At the same time, the propensity for depression is eliminated, which is also a quick way to stabilize the levels of endorphins in the system.

Laughter is both a physical and emotional stimulant . That generates brain activity that is conducive to an increase in all types of hormones. It frees the body of tensions and tries to regain the balance of each of the essential substances for the body.

Social and physical contact with other human beings is another helpful tip. It has been proven that by stimulating the different nerve endings in our body, the brain reacts directly causing the activation of multiple internal mechanisms. Living a sedentary life should be avoided as it encourages the body to stop performing certain functions.

In the case of endorphins in particular, regular sex guarantees a considerable increase in endorphin production. Because they are responsible for the sensation of pleasure, this activity is ideal; it also limits the chances of suffering from depression and stress.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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