Catisophobia: Irrational fear of sitting

Catisophobia Irrational fear of sitting


Phobias are quite common disorders in human beings, especially after experiencing traumatic experiences. There are all kinds of them: from fear of common situations or objects (such as fear of animals ), to eccentric and unusual phobias (such as cathisophobia, the excessive and irrational fear of sitting ).

Around the world there are a considerable number of people who are victims of abuse and torture, which is why these types of phobias often develop.

In this case, those who develop cathisophobia are usually people who were subjected to torture such as: sitting on chairs with nails, red-hot coal and other highly unpleasant assumptions; There are also people who develop this disorder due to psychological trauma, such as being in a room full of hostages or having suffered harassment as a child.


As humorous as this situation may sound, catisophobics end up experiencing a series of events that not only include physical abuse such as back pain, foot pain and fatigue, but also must face the social isolation of not being able to attend any event in the that you have to sit down : going to church, conventional office jobs, face-to-face studies, among others.

Of course, as in any phobia, there will be different ranges in which people feel fear. The fear can be limited to certain types of seats or to sit under certain circumstances, just as there will be people who suffer the fear of sitting in any place and circumstance.


Given the situation that this is a fairly rare disorder and that it is a tremendously specific fear, the symptoms are very easy to identify .

The person who suffers from catisophobia, like those who suffer from this type of fear, will experience a series of physiological events related to fear and anxiety.

These include heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat, cold sweaty hands, and panic.

These reactions mentioned above can be generated by having to think of a situation in which sitting is mandatory; They may be overwhelmed remembering that possible traumatic event that caused their fear.

There is also the possibility that some people do not even remember the cause of the phobia, but still suffer from its effects.


With regard to this very particular and rare phobia, the most effective thing would be to go to a psychotherapy center where trained specialists will be in charge of identifying the reason for the phobia .

In this way, a series of methods can be applied to help the patient overcome it.

The most common way to treat a phobia of this nature is exposure therapy , in which the person has to face their phobia little by little in a controlled environment.

Of course, this with the necessary help and tools provided by psychologists.

But this is not the only treatment, systematic desensitization can also be practiced, in which the person has to use their imagination to project themselves together with the object of their phobia in a positive environment.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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