Hyalophobia Fear of glass

The Hialofobia is a feeling of fear or fear of glass, crystal or issues that appear or simulate the material. Also well known as crystallophobia, helophobia or Nelophobia .

Hyalophobia is normally defined as the persistent, abnormal, and unjustified emotion of fear of glass.



The hialofobia like so many other phobias, a fear of appearing against certain situations that we can face every day with certain objects we have at home, in this case the glass, whether glass mirrors, glass windows cars , of houses or of any type, or spheres of any type of glass, light bulbs, ornaments, glasses, glasses, plates, screens, pictures, lamps, even what looks like glass.

This fear or fear begins to be detrimental to our life when it limits us to do what we want.

Especially because as already said before, at home we are continuously exposed to materials of this type, and they are part of our daily routine, and they help us to have a better environment in our home.

Those who suffer from this disease fear objects made of glass (such as glasses ) as well as their fragments.

Living surrounded by these types of objects is a source of great stress for those who suffer from this condition.


The most common symptoms of hyalophobia are:

  • Panic
  • Afraid
  • Fast heart beat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Shaking chills
  • Anxiety

They can also occur:

  • Difficulty breathing due to exercise
  • Society problems
  • Sweat symptoms
  • Temperature symptoms
  • Tremor symptoms


Glass and crystal phobia. The experience or threat of accidents or traumatic injuries caused by cuts made with broken glass are one of the reasons and causes of this phobia.

Another cause of this phobia is the fear of breaking delicate objects made of glass or crystal. Individuals with a fear or fear of glass and crystal ( helophobia ) wish to avoid contact with these materials as much as possible.

Some ice-phobics cover mirrors to prevent reflection. They can also suffer from panic attacks when they are near glass, resulting in headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

Two effective treatments for Helophobia are hypnosis and psychotherapy , depending on the source of the phobia.


Because  phobias  can affect or damage the daily lives of people who suffer from them, to the point of causing real disturbances or disorders to their affective relationships, their work environment and their private lives, many people choose to go to experts who can provide information about a possible treatment for phobias , either to completely eradicate the phobia or to learn to live with it.

It is important to know that phobias do not usually disappear on their own, so it is very important to seek professional help.
To start with a treatment, the first thing is to have a professional diagnosis ( since what can be confused with a specific phobia, could actually be an anxiety disorder, or something circumstantial ).

It is also important to know the various factors involved in the problem ( what triggers the phobia, what predisposes it, and what solutions have been put into practice to overcome it ).

The patient and the specialist must maintain a close and fluid relationship that allows them to develop objectives to be achieved with the treatment, in this way it will be easier for the patient to advance in their recovery.

Specific phobias are usually treated through psychotherapy, which, at the same time, teaches the patient the causes of their phobia, provides them with techniques to master the anxiety before the triggering stimulus that feeds the phobia they suffer.

Techniques to control breathing and muscle tension can also be of great use to the patient.

A very common type of treatment for phobias is that of exposure therapy .

In this, little by little, the professionals confront the patient with the dreaded situation.

That is, the gradual and progressive stimulus makes people little by little control their fears, if a person is afraid of glasses, mirrors or crystals, they can start by seeing a drawing of a mirror, and only, once they tolerate the fear that these stimuli generate in him, he tries something else.

Similar is the treatment known as systematic desensitization , in which, instead of stimuli, the patient’s imagination is used, which is projecting the feared stimulus in his mind.

In both treatment examples, the exposure or imagination of the stimulus is stopped when the patient cannot control his anxiety, and is restarted after he has calmed down.

Little by little, he manages to resist longer periods and thus gradually loses his fear.

There is another type of treatment known as  cognitive therapy , which can be applied in hyalophobia, in which the patient is given a lot of information about the situation that he is afraid of, in this case on glasses and mirrors so that in this way he can go gaining confidence.

This treatment is widely used with patients who also suffer from aerophobia – fear of flying – and who nevertheless need to be able to get on a plane due to work reasons.

Note: Although Hyalophobia or Crystallophobia is a topic of phobias, it is not highly recommended to go to psychological therapies, since the percentage of cure using these methods is very, very decreased.


In order to overcome hyalophobia , a treatise or accompaniment from a therapist would preferably be needed, since the techniques of NLP ( Neuro-Linguistic Programming ) and Ontological Coaching , (a discipline that provides a different way of interpreting human beings ), does not they are 100% safe, for this reason, many times it is preferred not to apply any of these previously mentioned techniques.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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