Technophobia: Fear of technological advances

Technophobia Fear of technological


The tecnofobia is a relatively new psychopathy characterized by a fear disproportionate to the technology.

It is no secret to anyone that technology and digital development have achieved enormous progress if the last few years are taken as an example. Even as society becomes more and more familiar with all these changes and advances, there remains a group of laggards who express dislike or revulsion towards them: the technophobics.


Some positions indicate that, unlike many other specific phobias, in this case there is no reference to an irrational and unjustified fear, because the main foundation of the disorder is based on the ability of technology to eradicate the need for human labor ( in certain cases ), which constitutes a valid reason for fear for some experts.

Technophobia, seen as the rejection of technology, has a lot to do with its ability to evolve so quickly.

In some cases, the basis of fear lies in technological illiteracy and in the difficulty of adapting to the modern operation of simple processes such as using an ATM, understanding mobile applications or downloading from a computer.

Although some specialists consider that technophobia ( speaking of real diagnoses ) should not always be treated, this is in contrast to the anguish and despair that prevents those who suffer from it from working in the modern world .

As is to be understood, technology currently plays its part in any field, so perceiving it from an antagonistic perspective can exponentially make life difficult for the affected person.


The symptomatic picture of technophobia does not lose track of similarities with other phobias; Among the most common you can observe: acceleration of cardiac and respiratory flow, excessive sweating, anxiety, muscle tension, loss of concentration and sleep disorders.

Of course, the fear developed from contact with technological devices usually causes different difficulties when using them .

This results in great slowness or repeated errors in handling.

As usually happens in most phobias, all kinds of fatalistic thoughts develop on the cognitive level around the feared object .

Among the symptoms of technophobia, it is common for people to go to the extreme of thinking about the power that machines could acquire over humanity, computer virus attacks and the incorrect manipulation of information within virtual space.


As normally occurs when treating a phobia, the first step must be to recognize the disorder and then go to a specialist.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proven to be the most appropriate to treat technophobia, since it allows the individual to recover ( or acquire ) the functionality of the individual in relation to the different technological devices with which they could maintain contact throughout their routine.

Treatment through cognitive-behavioral therapy provides the technophobic with the tools to face his fear and later eradicate the negative thoughts on which it is founded.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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