The human body depends on certain substances in order for it to function properly. These hormones and neurotransmitters are capable of generating effects as important as regulating blood pressure, thinking or digestion to name a few examples. One of these substances is adrenaline which regulates different body processes .

In addition to being a hormone, it is also a neurotransmitter, which means that its participation is essential to achieve communication between neurons in the synaptic spaces. Due to its multiple benefits, adrenaline-based drugs have even been created to treat serious allergies.

What is adrenaline?

Adrenaline is a hormone and neurotransmitter, which is secreted in the adrenal glands. This substance is produced naturally by the body and stores it to release it gradually, depending on intense external stimuli such as stress, excitement and fear. The utility it has is to help the body react in a timely manner, and it prepares itself to face any situation by being on alert.

This substance is also known by the name of epinephrine , however the use of this term is more popular commercially referring to the synthetic version. That is, it can be synthesized in a laboratory in order to create a drug that can counteract the effects of cardiorespiratory arrest. Likewise, its use has been extended to treatments such as asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis.

What are their characteristics?

Adrenaline is characterized by having chemical effects, which have the power to stimulate and increase the heart rate on the heart. Contractility is necessary to achieve an increase in blood pressure, in the same way the blood vessels are stimulated to contribute to the increase in pressure. As for giving its effects on the lungs, it is responsible for starting the bronchodilation process , in this way decongesting the airways of the mucosa.

From the moment it is administered it can be observed that its effect is very fast , in a matter of a few minutes the reaction begins which lasts up to approximately 2 hours. However, depending on some cases and also on the doses administered. For example, in the case of synthetic adrenaline, the dose is usually repeated between every 5 to 15 minutes, its effects can be prolonged at least 4 hours.

This substance is not only characterized by increasing the heart rate, it also breaks down glycogen . In this way, the energy that is stored can be used immediately when the body must cope with an extra effort. It also allows the respiratory system to increase its capacity; This is possible by relaxing the bronchial tubes, which facilitates the entry of air into the lungs.

It also helps to expand the blood vessels that are linked to certain vital organs such as the heart and the brain. In this way, their performance improves notably, more oxygen will be mobilized and at the same time carbon dioxide is discharged in equal amounts.

Finally, mention should be made of how adrenaline facilitates the transmission of information between nerve cells . It is also a neurotransmitter, which makes it easier for certain sensations derived from the body’s own chemical reactions to be generated. Likewise, this is a substance that intervenes in the process of stimulation and release of dopamine, both substances together promote physical and mental well-being. They are associated with states of euphoria.

Its duties?

Adrenaline is usually prescribed to treat allergic reactions of considerable severity . Examples of this type are conjunctivitis, inflammation of the respiratory and digestive tracts, as well as anaphylaxis. In some cases it is also used to treat asthma and allergies manifested on the skin. Depending on the severity of these reactions, it will be determined whether it is possible for the patient to react positively to this substance. That is, it is usually emergency treatment when the patient’s life is threatened.

In the case of acute asthma that manifests itself through difficulty in breathing, it is not possible to use inhalers or any other type of resource that involves the use of the respiratory tract. In these cases, adrenaline injections will be applied that are intended to dilate the bronchi , this happens almost instantaneously. It also makes it possible to reduce inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords.

It is also used to treat low blood pressure, manifested by dizziness and loss of consciousness. The almost immediate effect of adrenaline makes it possible to accelerate the heartbeat , in this way the tension also increases reciprocally.

Most commonly, adrenaline is used in people who develop allergies to certain foods, medications, bee or bird stings, and other environmental allergens. Basically adrenaline has an anti-inflammatory effect as well as a bronchodilator , depending on the occasion it can be administered in people who do not necessarily have an allergy; but if any of these reactions.

How is it produced and how to increase its segregation?

Epinephrine is produced in the adrenal or adrenal glands . This substance is considered to be a hormone and also a neurotransmitter, scientifically it has been classified within the group of catecholamines. It is usually released in moments or in situations that in some way generate a great emotional impact. This means that its levels increase in the face of stress, excitement and the perception of some kind of danger.

Some consider its effects to be positive because it makes it easier for the body to activate and stay ready to react to any dangerous situation. It will also help the body, both physically and psychologically, to remain in a permanent state of alert . It could be said that it is a resource that has allowed human beings to survive.

For its secretion, the hypothalamus sends a signal that orders its production to the glands, they react immediately by filtering the substance into the circulatory system. Once it is in the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body to generate different effects in each area. You can feel it almost immediately, which is known as an  “adrenaline rush”, each person experiences it differently, but generally it is a pleasant sensation.

During the realization of such everyday activities as walking, laughing or even cooking; on any occasion adrenaline can be secreted naturally. It all depends on how these activities generate a great impact on the body which stimulates its production. These discharges usually allow minimal doses of the substance to be obtained without there being a noticeable effect. However, in those activities that are more dynamic or that generate a greater impact, they will help to increase production, generating a feeling of well-being. 

The most common examples are found in almost dangerous activities such as visiting theme parks. When using any of these high-speed attractions are comparable to extreme sports, both trigger the secretion of this hormone. Likewise, when we face surprising situations or that generate a lot of anxiety, they can also lead to an increase in adrenaline levels in the body.

Adrenaline is usually produced naturally by the body itself, however, drugs that include this substance have also been created to be administered in certain cases. These injections have been designed to be administered intramuscularly because the action is faster. Some other versions allow it to be administered intravenously and intratrachealy, even nebulized and intracardiac, but it is a procedure that will only be performed in hospitals.

It is important to exercise caution in the use of injectable adrenaline due to its side effects. One of them is tachycardia, which implies that the heart palpitations accelerate. Usually it does not represent a risk for people who are healthy in their cardiovascular system, however for people who suffer from some type of problem it could generate a cardiac arrest.

In addition, it should be noted that patients diagnosed with hypertension should first consult a doctor to see if it is safe to use. You should always consider the risks and not just the benefits. For example, it has been shown that patients with diabetes can raise glucose levels by using adrenaline without caution.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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