To treat different types of mental conditions, a multiplicity of treatments and techniques have been created to achieve positive results. According to official global statistics, most adults suffer from depression and anxiety mainly. However, we must also take into account other types of conditions also related to the mental state such as the need to lose weight or stop smoking.

Psychotherapy is one of the most widely used resources today. It becomes the ideal means to help patients develop skills and strength to face those problems that affect them the most. In this way, solutions are found to affective relationships, anxiety, stress, substance abuse and other types of difficulties that affect the state of mental health.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is defined as a procedure made up of several methods that have scientific validity . It is often used by psychologists to help their patients deal with certain problems to which they are more sensitive. Eventually a state of mind characterized by increased productivity and health will develop.

This procedure is based on creating healthier and more effective habits. It maintains a cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal approach. To carry it out, talk therapy is usually used where the patient and the therapist interact directly. During this procedure, information and resources will be provided to help you solve problems.

It is often said that psychotherapy depends largely on collaboration and the establishment of a close relationship between the psychologist and the person. Therefore, it is essential to have an honest dialogue within a receptive and neutral environment. The impartiality of the psychologist is essential, he must analyze and identify those patterns of thought and behavior that must be modified.

As a result, it is observed that eventually the patient will learn new skills. These will allow you to deal more effectively with any difficulties that may arise in the future. In the same way, during this process, solutions can be found to internal conflicts that prevented a normal rhythm of life.

What are their characteristics?

The main characteristic of psychotherapy is the relationship between the clinical psychologist and the patient. These professionals are trained to listen and understand the problems that the patient exposes during the consultation, in addition they will be in charge of creating a safe and confidential space. It is always important to maintain a position in which you are not judging, you proceed to advise as well as instruct in different techniques that promote the finding of the most appropriate solutions.

Open questions should be asked that allow the reformulation of the problems to be addressed . For this reason, it is very important that these consultations are carried out personally within the same space, in this way the medical professional will be able to identify elements of behavior or behavior that are also related to the mental condition of the patient.

Psychotherapy is characterized by combining different types of tools and techniques for the evaluation, analysis, understanding and intervention of the patient. The psychotherapist should connect with this person to help him deal with the situation that is affecting him, but it is also important that the patient himself also shows willingness to find the solution and put it into practice.

The bond of trust develops eventually in each consultation, the psychotherapeutic work depends largely on the creation of this relationship. Thus, it will be easier to start a more intimate and honest conversation where the suffering and other existential difficulties that affect the patient are raised. Subsequently, the most appropriate questions can be raised taking into consideration the aforementioned aspects.

The main types of psychotherapy 

Until now, different types of psychotherapy have been designed that have the same effectiveness, but each of them is better integrated into different cases depending on the needs of the patient. Sometimes therapists can determine what is most helpful to use a combination of these techniques in a particular way. The most commonly used types of psychotherapy are described below:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to identify and treat negative behaviors that significantly affect a person’s performance. This means that some attitudes and ideas are unhealthy, for this it is necessary to replace them with more positive ones.
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy can be considered as a variety of cognitive behavioral therapy. The difference between the two lies in the use of strategies focused on changing behavior, this is done with an approach focused on finding a way to manage stress and emotions more effectively.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy has an approach directly related to thoughts and emotions. It is used when the patient has difficulties accepting and committing to adopt changes that allow them to improve in these aspects. This means that you will be guided so that you can face those situations that affect you and later adapt to them.
  • Psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapies are used to help patients recognize negative thoughts and behaviors that they perform unconsciously. Eventually they will learn to develop new ones to replace them, but first they will have to resolve the mental conflicts that these elements generate and then find new motivations.
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy is often used to address current and personal problems. During consultations, patients learn to improve their interpersonal skills, it is necessary to improve in this aspect to have a healthier family, professional and sentimental relationship.
  • Supportive psychotherapy is intended to help the patient cope with stress and anxiety. It is applicable to any situation that has become difficult to face, therefore skills such as acceptance and responsibility are learned.

Finally, it is also important to mention that psychotherapy sessions can be presented in different formats. Depending on the needs of the patient, the sessions can be carried out individually or in groups. There are also other variants focused on helping couples and families.  

What are its benefits? 

Psychotherapy provides multiple benefits for the patient, among them the possibility of finding solutions to those mental aspects that cause pain or discomfort. Within a positive and confident environment, patients can speak freely about their experiences and feelings . Opening up about these issues releases the emotional charge, providing a sense of well-being. It works like catharsis, that is, it is a process of liberation of all negative emotions.

It also allows the patient to be taught tools to manage conflicts, it provides important contributions for personal growth and the learning of other resources that will be useful in coexistence with other individuals. For example, you learn to adapt to new circumstances or that represent a challenge in the personal or professional sphere.

The psychotherapist is a professional trained to provide patients with a broader understanding of human behavior. Consequently, through their help and advice, we will work to adopt new beliefs and healthier habits. By modifying those behaviors and thought patterns that limit the person, later favorable changes will begin to be observed.

In the same way, during the sessions the patient will learn to know himself. By raising different questions, issues and aspects that were believed to be known about ourselves will be put into context. By applying various techniques as a result, information that was “hidden” is obtained.

Reasons for its practice 

One of the main reasons why psychotherapy should be put into practice is to show and teach patients a set of tools that allows them to face difficult situations . Psychologists use this resource to identify and analyze those elements that overwhelm and weaken the patient.

It does not necessarily propose to completely eliminate pain or discomfort, it is about addressing unresolved problems; also propose changes in behavior and mental patterns. The patient becomes aware of things that he was previously ignorant of or of which he was simply not fully aware. Psychotherapy helps to reach new levels of autonomy and confidence , favorable answers and solutions can be found. In this way it is possible to free ourselves from the unnecessary suffering that limits the life of the patient.

This is a resource that has provided positive results in treating anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder , phobias, panic disorder and post – traumatic stress disorder. It is also used to treat mood disorders such as depression and bipolarity. It is the most recommended option for treating addictions such as gambling and alcoholism.

Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are usually treated in the first instance through psychotherapy. It is also used to treat personality disorders and schizophrenia.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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