All people at a certain point in their lives experience situations that attract a lot of attention because they seem to coincide with others. This perception is subjective, it also depends on multiple factors, both internal and external.

Some people relate experiences that seem to have no logical explanation and that are amazing. These same, when analyzed, begin to acquire new meanings, which also depends on self-perception.

Synchronicity is a term used to refer to this phenomenon, it can be approached from a rational perspective. Usually these facts are assigned a meaning that goes beyond the limits of reason, they are understood as questions of chance. As they are extraordinary facts, they can even be classified as inventions or erroneous interpretations of reality. 

The complexity of this issue lies precisely in the fact that highly improbable events are being analyzed. It is a phenomenon that has been rigorously studied from the point of view of psychology and physics, which links events where there may be a cause and effect relationship. This topic is studied in greater depth below.

What is synchronicity?

The word synchronicity was first mentioned in the early 1950s. Its author was Carl Jung , one of the most important protagonists of modern psychology, who coined this concept in an attempt to explain something that until now had not been previously described. In fact, etymologically, this word tries to explain this phenomenon. We take the Greek term “συν” which means “union” and the term “χρόνος” which means “time.

Specifically, synchronicity is a phenomenon in which two events occur simultaneously, they have a link that can only be explained in a causal sense. It is also characterized in that these events only maintain a coincidence of short durability. They can even be associated with two or more events, which will also have a similar relationship.

It is important to clarify that these events are not the cause of others , or that they are the result of these others. It is simply a relationship that depends on the content, therefore they cannot be associated considering other factors or elements.

What are their characteristics?

This is a theory that is based on the statement of realities or events that are causal . This means that they are facts that are conceived without thinking that a chance can occur. That is, they cannot be subjected to a methodical evaluation, supported by statistical or numerical methods for example. These same go beyond the limits of probability and even logic, this is a phenomenon that must be approached with a deterministic vision.

Likewise, it is a phenomenology that exists only in psychic relativity, within some parameters of space and time ; that only those who experience it can determine. It is also important to mention the emotional factor , this is a very significant aspect because it affects the perception that one has.

Sometimes the term synchronicity is confused with simultaneity , this is because both describe secesses that are linked by a specific sense. However, synchronicity possesses the acausal element that simultaneity does not possess. Instead, it is a psychic state in which one or more external events converge, which have a subjective parallel.

Synchronicity is based on the simultaneity of a normal event and another that is perceived critically. An unconscious image will be created, direct or indirect, which can be described with any of the following words: feeling or dream.

Practical examples

Perhaps one of the examples that best describes this phenomenon is the horoscope and the tarot. Some people consider that they are true sciences, which are supported by methodologies and evidence, which nevertheless conflict with other sciences. They are even used as a reliable resource for making such important decisions as buying a home or choosing medical treatment.

As is known, tarot works through the use of cards that represent specific concepts and symbols. Each of them together help to create a speech, which will try to provide useful information for the person who undergoes this procedure. This same person will be the only one capable of perceiving or identifying relevant meanings in each of the cards.

Other examples are those events that are apparently “fortuitous “, that can only be experienced once. Events that occur in the environment will show characteristics that could fit in with others that have occurred recently. This is where the sense of intuition is mentioned , which however some people prefer to ignore.

The “deja vu” is another phenomenon that can also be taken as a reference. Basically it is the “feeling” or “perception” that a current situation had already been experienced previously, it coincides exactly in each of its details. That is, it is the same place, the same people and the context, even the actions that are taking place seem to be very similar and show the same sequence.

History of this term

The history of this concept begins even before Carl Jung popularized it. Within the world of the arts André Bretón was one of the most important representatives of surrealism, his theoretical contributions are still valid today. At the time he declared that he had managed to perceive an unexpected influence which he called ” hasard objectif “, which translates as “objective chance”. Occurs between a person and their desires, these elements will be associated in a certain way with the real world and what it offers.

When studying surrealism one of the fundamental concepts is the one previously described. It is practically about how coincidences as well as coincidences have an important emotional charge , therefore or these events will have a unique and invaluable meaning.

Later, Carl Jung would be responsible for selecting the word synchronicity to refer to this same event. However, it would provide more details that allow a clearer and more precise understanding of how it works. They are events that are linked by internal and external ties, these connections have a meaning that only those who experience it are capable of perceiving. This means that third parties will not be able to experience them. 

He also mentions that these coincidences can be generated from a non-conscious attraction , in any case the most important thing is that whoever lives it gives it an added symbolic value. For this reason, it is usual that certain events are believed to have a metaphysical origin, similar to magic or luck.

Some consider that Jung’s theory makes a more exhaustive analysis from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Especially when it comes to the periods of transition and transformation , which people usually live in each of the stages of their lives. For example, there are marriages, divorces, job changes, and the eventual death of family members.

To be more specific during these events, an internal restructuring occurs, these changes are usually associated with moments of crisis. These situations promote actions such as reflection and the search for new alternatives or objectives. That is why it is a relevant phenomenon, since it forces people to search for and identify the patterns and sequences in which certain external circumstances occur.

Physicist Wolfgang Pauli is considered to be a co-author of Jung’s theory. His contributions focused on the influence of dreams and desires and the unconscious. That is, it raises the possibility that this psychological phenomenon has been generated from a distant external event in space influences a later one.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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