The teaching-learning activity implies an agreement between the school board, the teachers, the parents and representatives, and the students. Seen as a social contract, all parties have a share of responsibility for the academic process to be a success. In this sense, fifteen basic rules of coexistence are proposed.

  1. Respect the calendar . Both students and teachers should follow the schedule of academic activities provided by the school. In the case of students, they must comply with the presentation of the exams previously ruled by the teachers and professors.
  2. Wear authorized clothing . Students must attend school in clothing authorized by the school authorities. A uniform is regularly worn to reduce dress costs and avoid inappropriate clothing among students.
  3. The consumption of beverages and stimulant substances is prohibited . Although it is an obvious norm, since the consumption of stimulant substances constitutes a serious offense and a crime in many countries, the directives of educational institutions establish it in writing. Drunkenness is not tolerable between any of the parties that make up an institution of this type. In addition, the directives prohibit any material or object that poses a risk to the educational community.
  4. Justify absences . As a general rule of thumb, students must attend most classes (75% or more) and all absences must be justified in writing. Responsibility must be shared. Therefore, the teacher must also be substituted in case of his justified absence.
  5. Respect the authority of the teacher . Who holds the authority within the classroom is the teacher or professor. Under this principle, students must obey the teacher and carry out the activities that he commands. Respect should be mutual, so the educator should handle his authority with greatness, without abusing it.
  6. Complete academic activities . The teaching-learning contract implies the tacit commitment of the students to carry out academic activities. There will always be more or less serious difficulties in solving the tasks, but the educator will also put into action the best strategy for the student to assimilate the contents of the study programs.
  7. Specialized guidance . Students have the right to receive psychological and vocational guidance at any time, during their stay at the institution. Any authority, starting with the teacher, should be able to channel such guidance, even if the student does not expressly request it. The matter should be treated with respect and discretion.
  8. Teacher-student ethical behavior . If the authority resides in the teacher or teacher, on this falls the responsibility of maintaining the emotional distance with the student. Good coexistence is related to each one maintaining their role inside and outside the classroom. The teacher may not have favorite students and will not accept particular affectionate treatment from any of them.
  9. A plan in case of emergency . You never know when there will be an emergency that breaks the peace and harmony among the students. Therefore, the institution must provide students and teachers with the tools and knowledge to handle emergencies, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, etc. Every institution must have contingency plans.
  10. Respect the property of others . In all communities, where diversity of customs and appropriate or inappropriate behavior is common, theft is possible. Beyond establishing punishments, a condition -sine qua non- of coexistence is to respect the property of others. Of course, knowing that there will be punishment is a deterrent; but the ideal is that theft does not occur due to the existence of common ethical principles. Ethical behavior is extensible to all members of the educational community.
  11. Body hygiene . In the dimension of cultural customs, it is difficult to take certain assertions as certain and immanent. Tolerance is also a value to highlight. In general, educational institutions encourage their members to dress appropriately and maintain personal hygiene. This results in good coexistence.
  12. Good listener and good speaker . Assertive communication involves knowing how to listen and how to speak. Differences of opinion are normal. What should be avoided is disqualification and tirade that does not lead to an agreed conclusion. Even silence communicates, so it is better to be silent when the interlocutor can only hear himself. In class presentations, respect begins by listening carefully to the other. You must ask for the floor and respect the exposure time of your fellow students.
  13. Appropriate behavior . Although the school is a training center for civic and moral values, this training would not be complete if the young person does not receive the correct guidance and the example at home. The student must behave in a respectful manner even when he is a victim of bullying , a problem that must be presented to the authority, the teacher or the directive staff, for its solution.
  14. The bullying not . Starting from the previous point, “bullying” should be highlighted as a category apart from the need for appropriate behavior, due to its destructive power of good coexistence at school. It is not just about inappropriate behavior, but about consecutive criminal actions. The consequences have been tragic: suicide, school dropouts, anxiety, depression, among others. Therefore, these behaviors are less and less tolerated. Also part of the problem are those students who remain on the sidelines, even knowing of cases of harassment and violence among their peers.
  15. Any help will always be welcome . A basic principle that every student and any member of the educational community should know is that they go to school to learn. Therefore, asking before making mistakes should be a slogan. Not only should participation in class be encouraged, but also proactive and assertive companionship. Maintaining the rule of asking every time you have a question leads to resistance and tolerance for failure. Teamwork favors the exchange of ideas and the discussion of the topics presented by the teacher. Social coexistence in the classroom is favored with the programming of recreational activities aimed at assimilating the contents of the program. The rules of coexistence and the teaching instruments become one.
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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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