Intuitive knowledge is the one that recognizes different recognizable patterns thanks to experience. It is a type of knowledge that unconsciously processes information, which also influences when reacting or making decisions. Make full use of intuition and previous experiences.

It is based on internal and external experiences, which is complemented by perception. It works spontaneously , human beings have physical capacities that allow them to detect any change or action that occurs in the environment. This type of knowledge depends on these conditions to be able to capture information.

What is intuitive knowledge? 

Intuitive knowledge defines the set of skills used in everyday life to understand and access the environment. It is knowledge that is acquired almost immediately and that depends on experience. Particular events are recorded in the mind, these are later linked to future events.

Here is a knowledge acquired is used without the azonamiento or a complex analysis of the situation. It is a type of knowledge that acts practically unconsciously . Any decision or action is resolved, reacts to stimuli, obstacles and other new situations by relating them to previous ones.

Here a set of abstract elements are represented , these are interpretations that have been learned about the world around us. These are stored in the mind, protecting themselves as experiences that provide us with information. The acquisition of these same data is usually done by observation.

It must also be considered that intuitive knowledge is not related to theory and reason. It is an automatic mental mechanism, which allows you to react to make decisions, choose a behavior and that finally helps to solve situations of any kind.

Intuitive knowledge characteristics 

Intuitive knowledge is characterized by being based entirely on perception, which means that the mind is not in charge of corroborating or examining the validity of the information it is collecting. It is also a type of knowledge that is directly related to creativity.

It is common that it occurs in children and in human beings in the full stage of development. This is because knowledge based on reasoning is typical of adults. In the latter case, a rigorous and in-depth analysis is made of all the information perceived in the environment.

Intuition organizes particular experiences , to later link them with others that occur in the future. It is also important to add that this type of knowledge is permanently under review and development. It is important to study how it works because some contradictions can be identified regarding its influence on the subconscious.

A part of the human mind cannot voluntarily access the area where much of the acquired information is processed. In most cases, intuitive knowledge will work automatically by responding to stimuli. The mind begins to follow complex patterns of thought to select an answer to a particular problem. This is how what is called a feeling works.

Other characteristics of intuitive knowledge are described below:

  • It is used in everyday activities to find solutions much faster.
  • It is characterized by its practicality, it does not take into account theoretical aspects.
  • Logical reasoning is not taken into account.
  • It is a type of knowledge that is not causal, nor is it direct.
  • It allows you to recognize visual data such as gestures, both your own and those of others. The same happens with feelings and instantaneous sensations.
  • It is autonomous and automatic.
  • It is knowledge that allows you to acquire the necessary tools to face new obstacles or situations never before experienced.
  • It is not knowledge that can be verified.
  • This apprehensive.
  • It cannot be justified by arguments based on reason.
  • It is always in development, a state of alertness and discovery is maintained.
  • New information can be acquired without the involvement of intermediaries.
  • Reacts to stimuli that are spontaneous.
  • It generates thought patterns that are often called hunches or hunches.
  • It is acquired without the need for a complex analysis of the situation.

7 practical examples of intuitive knowledge

Examples of this type of knowledge help you understand how it works. There are several situations that can be used as a reference, because they relate to certain aspects of human thought . These are situations that usually occur in people’s daily lives, it can be when doing a job or occupying the mind in other activities.

Here are 7 practical examples that accurately show how intuitive knowledge is acquired and used:

1 Identify the emotional state of a person

This is a good example of how the human mind is able to identify gestural patterns in a person. In an automatic way, by observation, you can interpret body movements and gestures. This leads to the conclusion that someone could be angry, sad or happy.

2 The practice of repetitive activities

This is common in those activities that are mainly technical. A good example is the firefighter trade, people who practice this profession after facing the same situation gain experience. This information will allow them to react in an intuitive way, they will know when a structure could fall or also what tools to use for certain cases.

3 react to a dangerous situation

After having lived experiences in which we suffer some type of risk, information related to these events remains in the mind. In the future it is used to safeguard the integrity of the person, you can anticipate the facts and react in a timely manner. Actions and their consequences that best suit the situation are better understood .

4 Recognize the seasons of the year

This is a good example of how intuitive knowledge relates to scientific knowledge . Through perception it is possible to identify which are the common climatic changes. These occur cyclically, which means that it will occur every certain period of time. Visual perception is very useful in this case, easy to understand signs are observed by observing the environment.

5 Select and order

In this case, several daily activities can be mentioned, let’s take an example of tidying up the bed and cleaning a room. This is where intuitive knowledge lets us know how we can properly position the duvet. Since this action had already been carried out previously, we will know how to do this process to finish it quickly and effectively. 

This also influences other decisions such as the selection of ornamental objects. Based on the shapes, colors, size and texture; this is how each person develops a personalized system for choosing and ordering .

6 Own and known experiences of third parties

This knowledge is not only based on your own experiences. It is normal for people to take any past situation as a reference , this will be used as a reference for any other that occurs in the future. As normal as knowing what time in the morning the sunlight is going to come out or knowing that when it rains, clothes and shoes get wet.

Even from known experiences of third parties we can have the same expected results . This is information that turns out to be just as useful, it will serve to guide us and make correct choices.

7 Anticipate events based on observation

After having had similar experiences, as to how the events occurred and the result they had, this information can be recorded for later use. Anticipating events by observation is a human skill.

It works as simple as starting to identify each of the actions and other elements that are occurring at the same time. A pattern can be identified, it could show us what the next step is. An example of this type is when we observe that a glass object falls, from experience we will know that it will break once it touches the surface.

From the point of view of psychology , the psychic structure is constituted by knowledge, also by reason and will . This is how the judgments that people make are based on personal and independent knowledge. From these ideas, it can be concluded that intuitive knowledge helps to solve everyday problems, because it facilitates the understanding of sensations, feelings and tastes, both one’s own and those of others.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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