It is important to know the concept of emotional states. Above all, knowing how to differentiate them from the emotions themselves. It must be said that emotional states are the expression of emotions, that is, a consequence of them.

Likewise, it happens that not all emotional states are the same. There are several categories. For example, those that we briefly indicate below:

  • Positive emotional states: those that imply a feeling of well-being, such as joy , admiration or illusion.
  • Negative emotional states: those that involve discomfort or discomfort, such as anger or envy.
  • Neutral emotional states: are those that are neither negative nor positive. A good example is surprise.

Emotional states are not abstract: they involve a type of behavior. Another categorization of the same implies their sudden appearance, or their gradual gestation. Let’s see the differences in these cases:

  • Sudden emotional states : such as anger, surprise, or anger. They arise suddenly, faced with a situation that triggers them. The person quickly changes his mood, causing changes in the body such as the release of adrenaline.
  • Gradual emotional states: they appear little by little. For example, resentment. It is a state of antipathy towards another person. However, a grudge does not appear at first glance or suddenly. It is slowly developing over time.

Similarly, there are varying degrees or intensities of such states. Affection is not the same as love, nor anger as rage. All these aspects must be recognized in order to later know how to handle them.

The importance of knowing how to handle emotional states

All human beings have both emotions and emotional states. It must be said that they emerge in everyday situations. Knowing how to use, control, recognize and take advantage of them is essential. Whoever does not handle their emotions well, ends up being managed by them and suffering from diseases.

The world of psychology has been faced with the issue of detecting emotional states. Emotional states, both in their types and in their nuances. Therefore, it is necessary to have a list with the most important ones at hand.

Below, we show our readers a total of fifty emotional states. We name them along with a brief description of each of them.

50 emotional states that you need to recognize

Our selection of five dozen emotional states is based on the choice of situations that people go through on a daily basis. In this sense, the states chosen are the most recurrent.

1.- Joy

It is a state of well-being, when we are satisfied and full with what happens and surrounds us.

2.- Happiness

It is an explosive state. For example, when we achieve something that we want and we celebrate it.

3.- Fear

A state of mind related to the instinct of security, the fear of something dangerous.

4.- Love

It is a feeling of affection, perhaps the greatest feeling of affection towards a person.

5.- Rage

It consists of a constant anger, it is not something impulsive. Manifestation of constant annoyance.

6.- Astonishment

A state that shows surprise at something. It is a neutral emotional state, neither negative nor positive.

7.- Disgust

Sudden reaction of displeasure before something that is uncomfortable, contrary to tastes or customs.

8.- Admiration

A state in which a person or group of people is highly valued for their qualities.

9.- Pride

Great esteem towards oneself. It is not equal to pride, since it is a positive emotional state.

10. – Placer

Extreme taste or satisfaction. It is a state that generates joy and a desire for well-being.

11.- Satisfaction

The opposite of disappointment. It manifests when we are very satisfied with something or someone.

12.- Compassion

A type of sadness related to seeing the suffering of another person, wanting to help.

13.- Guilt 

An experience of dissatisfaction with an action carried out, with the certainty that something wrong has been done.

14.- Disappointment

Emotional state that arises when expectations about a situation or person are not met.

15.- I wish

An emotional state in which you want to possess, achieve, or be somewhere immediately.

16.- Discouragement

A kind of sudden tiredness or satiety, which prevents you from continuing with something or ending an activity,

17.- Hostility

It is opposition, or unkindness, towards someone. It is an attitude of discord towards other people.

18.- Melancholy

A state of sadness characterized by being very calm, without crying or expressions of pain.

19.- Irritation

State of mind characterized by an immediate manifestation of displeasure with a person or circumstances.

20.- Illusion

It happens when we have expectations about something. A state with a positive outlook for the future.

21.- Gratitude

Emotional state of gratitude. Conformity to a circumstance or person, wanting to give back to everything positive.

22.- remorse

Similar to guilt. However, it is less rational. It is a disagreement before a personal action.

23. – Serenity

A state of tranquility, free of worries. Neither negative nor positive emotions are manifested, although well-being predominates.

24.- Euphoria

It is an explosive state, which happens after a pleasant surprise or satisfaction. It manifests itself with a lot of evidence.

25.- Frustration

Similar to disappointment. It differs from this in that it happens immediately, when something fails or does not meet expectations.

26.- Despair

It happens when something doesn’t live up to expectations and nothing can be done to fix it.

27.- Nostalgia

Similar to melancholy, but in this case sadness is triggered by a memory or situation from the past that is considered positive. Sadness for that absence.

28.- Confusion

State in which you do not know what to do, or you do not understand a situation generating distress in the person.

29.- Enthusiasm

It is a positive state, generated by illusion and similar feelings. Desire to do something with a certain degree of certainty of good results.

30.- Incomprehension

It occurs when there is no empathy or when a circumstance is not understood. The reaction is one of disdain or disinterest.

31.- Anger

Sudden reaction Unlike irritation, it is not a simple annoyance. It is anger at something that does not turn out as expected. Unlike hatred, anger is temporary.

32.- Soledad

A state of mind that people experience when they are not in company, be it physical or emotional.

33.- Tension

Also called stress, it happens when a person is very pressured by circumstances, triggering mental, emotional and physical fatigue.

34.- Shame

It is the feeling of loss of dignity. It can happen through your own action or be exposed in an uncomfortable situation.

35.- Tenderness

It is a very delicate manifestation of affection, without euphoria. For example, when you treat a baby or a pet with tenderness.

36.- I hate

Unlike anger or irritation, it is not sudden. It is an accentuated antipathy towards a person, which is gestating and manifesting over time. It is not a passenger.

37.- Ira

A sudden reaction. It is stronger than anger, reaching levels of violence. An angry person can stay right. Someone irate, no.

38.- Envy

Feeling of dissatisfaction when you do not achieve, or do not have, what another person does.

39.- Disorientation

It occurs when you are not sure of the place and position of the body, without knowing how to move

40.- Boredom

It is manifested by an annoyance, triggered by a lack of interest or entertainment in something.

41.- Fatigue

Feeling of extreme boredom, or saturation, of the same situation that is constantly repeated.

42.- Approval

A feeling of conformity with people, facts or things. It does not reach the level of enthusiasm that admiration triggers.

43.- Comfort

It is a palliative, the search to minimize or counteract something that generates disaffection, sadness or discouragement.

44.- Curiosity

It is the desire to find out a matter. It is an inquisitive behavior, which is natural in humans.

45.- Disappointment

State that dissatisfaction with something, without becoming irritated

nte or manifest as anger. It is a constant discomfort.

46.- Dysphoria

It is the opposite of euphoria. It manifests itself in sadness or melancholy. It is the absence of all emotional manifestation due to some affliction.

47.- Intolerance

It manifests itself when people do not accept anything contrary to their expectations. It usually appears after anger or irritation, when people lose the ability to negotiate.

48.- Inferiority

The feeling of inferiority happens when people feel less capable, either physically or intellectually.

49.- Rebellion

It occurs when the person expresses open opposition to something that he does not like, even taking actions contrary to what is proposed.

50.- Optimism

A very positive emotional state. It happens when you have good expectations regarding actions, people or events.

It is a fairly comprehensive list. Although, we must admit that there are many more emotional states. However, some are confused with each other. However, the aforementioned are the most important.

Teach emotional states from childhood

Conventional education has neglected emotional teaching. Everything is based on knowledge in the intellect. However, human beings are also emotional entities. Children need to learn to recognize and use their emotions. If this is not done, they will become individuals who will have a difficult time interacting in society.

On the other hand, the intellectual tends towards the abstract . It ignores the everyday world. Instead, emotions are in our day to day. It must be borne in mind that they are defense and reaction mechanisms in certain circumstances. For example, if something bothers us, it is illogical for us to react with anger to have the adrenaline that allows us to defend ourselves.

The emotions are not bad or good. They appear at specific times. However, when people do not know how to use it, they can react with the wrong emotion. For example, getting angry getting a feeling of rage, when in reality we should be surprised to be disappointed. Only with a good emotional education will we have the appropriate response to specific circumstances. It is one of the keys to the life of human beings!

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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