Knowledge is a complex concept, due to the convergence of aspects such as intelligence and learning processes. Basically knowledge is an activity of human thought . It is the result of experiences, learning and individual reasoning. Due to these factors, it cannot be considered to be a single process, but it does present similarities in each case.

It is usually considered that knowledge is proper and unique to the human being. This is because it is a process that depends on skills such as memorization logical operations , the capacity for deduction and communication .

There are several traditions of thought that have alluded to this topic throughout history. It has not been possible to define what knowledge is in a concrete way. It can be analyzed from the philosophical perspective , this has been in charge of formulating a theory of knowledge since the beginning of civilization.

What is knowledge? 

It is understood that there are various ways in which human beings acquire information . Later this is analyzed, organized and used in wide ways, in order to solve specific or eventual problems.

Knowledge is defined as the process of obtaining information through experience and learning . This set of elements depends on memory and the capacity for reflection. All the intellectual content that is stored in the mind of a person, also interacts with conscious thoughts. Therefore, knowledge is related to reality and is kept up to date.

Knowledge incorporates not only experience, it is also considered a complex and ordered system of various knowledge. This is how knowing differs from knowing . The latter is directly familiar with reality, but based on certain specific conditions. That is, knowing something does not mean that it can be explained, but we do know about it. On the other hand, knowledge allows handling information that can be linked to others.

Defining what knowledge is in a precise way is difficult, because some conceptual limits would have to be established. An approximation can be made about how this works, which would mean describing it in theory. It really is an action that is related to all branches of human knowledge and their experiences.

It is a mental process, but also an emotional and cultural one . That is, knowledge is a process that also reflects and in turn reproduces reality. It depends largely on information obtained through contact with reality and with other people. Experiences and education are usually the main elements to consider. Consciousness also has an active participation in this process.

The different types of knowledge and examples

Knowledge is a complex process that is why it can be done in different ways. Depending on the elements involved, different results or conclusions can be reached in each case. You can identify several types of knowledge , these are classified according to the area of ​​knowledge to which it is related. The main types of knowledge are described below:

  • Theoretical knowledge is based on an interpretation of reality from references taken by third parties, or on direct experience. It depends on the communication you have with the environment.

Examples of this type are found in scientific research, philosophical knowledge and religious beliefs.

  • Empirical knowledge depends mainly on experience. It can only be obtained by coming into contact with the world and actively participating in it. A basic framework of rules is built that helps to better understand how it works.

An example of this type is knowledge linked to perceptions such as spatial and abstract.

  • Practical knowledge is obtained by performing actions that help to model behavior. Understanding it in another way, it depends entirely on the performance of technical exercises.

An example of this type is political and ethical knowledge .

  • The main characteristic of formal knowledge is to be made up of information that comes from a specific content. Specialized material or information is handled on a specific topic.
  • The scientific knowledge is perhaps the most recognized, because the repetition of experiments is used. It is distinguished from other categories because it handles information that can be verified and is objective. In addition, it maintains a rational perspective and universal conclusions are obtained.

Example is the discovery of various drugs and vaccines. This is the case with penicillin which has helped fight infections.

  • The philosophical knowledge of formulating ideas and conclusions that try to explain to humans and their environment. Reflective, deductive and above all critical methods are used, it could be said that it is a type of knowledge that is not satisfied with just obtaining data. It is different because its purpose is to demonstrate the existence of the same data.

An example is Platonic thought that affirms the existence of two opposing worlds: that of ideas and the sensible.

  • The religious knowledge is related to the beliefs and values of society or a person. Information is used that is used to shape behavior, and influence the decisions of each individual. This information is usually obtained by being transmitted by tradition.

An example is how it tries to explain the origin of the human being through the story of Adam and Eve.

  • The intuitive knowledge depends on the perception, because this way you can get instant feedback from the environment. It is possible to generate different reactions to the same stimulus, factors such as feelings and personal needs intervene. Therefore, in this case reason does not prevail.

An example is the explanation of how fire burns when it comes into contact with body cells.

  • Logical knowledge tries to understand ideas according to their operation, but also how they relate to each other. The human reasoning process is made up of a complex pattern of connections, this is how the resolution of everyday problems is achieved; because ideas are compared and classified.

Examples are the experiments that are done to solve problems in everyday life . How to check that water can wet or deteriorate certain materials.

  • Mathematical knowledge has a rational and coherent character, in turn it is linked to the perception of the environment. A thought is created that shows exact representations of a reality, these are based on numerical values ​​and therefore it is complex.

An example is the Pythagorean Theorem which deals with the relationships of the sides of a right triangle.

Knowledge characteristics  

In most of the different types of knowledge, similarities are observed in terms of the application of a methodology and a technique. In addition, they are usually based on a theory. These are other characteristics that can be observed in various categories:

  • Knowledge is characterized by fulfilling a specific function , depends on an action and generates a product in turn.
  • It is usually the result of the development of a series of activities, therefore in the life of a human being a vast amount of knowledge is obtained.
  • It adapts to the social, cultural and environmental environment of a certain group.
  • It is the result of the interaction of each individual with their environment.
  • It is related to aspects such as creativity and the process of reflection . The complexity of various cognitive activities are related to various fields of action.
  • It has a deeply cultural dimension .
  • Some types of knowledge can be expressed and used using language , which develops as each person does. But it must be considered that the codification of this language will go through periods of transition, and changes in its interpretation, in different cultures and individuals.
  • In some cases knowledge is not objective and cannot be communicated.

Because it is important? 

The importance of knowledge is that it is based on human experience. It is one of the main sources for obtaining it, it can be transmitted, preserved and organized according to the needs to be satisfied. That is, from what has been learned throughout existence, it will be possible to learn from mistakes to later anticipate any situation.

Knowledge allows us to have valuable information , therefore it is a fundamental tool to be able to survive and live with others. All societies have been in charge of preserving and transmitting a large amount of information by different means. This knowledge multiplies over the years, new content is continually being added, enriching it.

The value of knowledge depends on criteria as diverse as political, cultural, religious, philosophical, and many other points of view. Increasing knowledge and its dissemination are objectives set in order to make its preservation possible. Today’s society follows this same rhythm, which has meant the guarantee of the survival of civilization.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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