One of the most important psychological qualities is emotional maturity. It is considered to be one of the characteristics of people who have empathy , responsibility and multiple social skills. In other words, the term emotional maturity is referring to a set of positive qualities. 

On the other hand, when we are talking about immaturity we are referring to people who have precisely the opposite characteristics. They are irresponsible individuals, lack empathy and do not have enough social skills that they can use to their advantage. Consequently, they are people who are emotionally dependent, on family or friends with whom they can still relate.

The emotional maturity develops from childhood , possibly reaching adulthood the process is completed; allowing these qualities to be put into practice. It depends entirely on the experiences and how each person interprets the world around him, to enhance his emotional abilities he must put effort and be attentive to learn how to use these resources.

What is emotional maturity?

In psychology, emotional maturity defines the development of certain capacities that are manifested through positive aptitudes. In other words, it is about the development of a pattern of thought and skills that promote self-improvement and motivation applied to any medium. Therefore, a person is being described who has completed the process towards full maturity, psychologists describe an individual who possesses all the necessary capacities to overcome any challenge that comes his way.

According to what is proposed by psychologists from various investigations and studies on this topic, it has been concluded that emotional maturity is not an innate characteristic. It is acquired through experience and through the various learnings at each stage of a person’s life .

In general, it is considered that there are a large number of factors that intervene during the process of development of emotional maturity. At first it was considered that it was a part of a person’s personality , this enabled him to be able to relate and function properly on a social level.

However, a series of requirements must be met in order to develop it, the first of which is to have a high level of knowledge about oneself. So it is about a person who knows his own personality, who is also aware of his needs and goals . By having these certainties, you can react in a way that suits them.

The environment in which the person lives is also decisive, their environment can significantly influence. All the emotional functions will also be part of the personal development process, all the different elements that make up the personality of an individual will become tools that will help them to function in various aspects of their life.

What are the characteristics of emotional maturity?

People with emotional maturity present a series of particular characteristics that allow them to cope with various difficult situations . These tools represent being an important support for themselves and also for those who wish to help. What they are are mentioned below:

  • The own identity is defined and developed completely, this means that the individual knows who he is. From this aspect, each decision or action will be faithful to the same concept that you have of yourself.
  • Understand and freely express all those values ​​and beliefs that you consider to be part of your person. Consequently, he begins to adopt attitudes that will be part of his behavior permanently.
  • The person is able to distinguish between emotions and reason , therefore he will know how to discern when to give priority to any of these factors. Has the ability to choose through rational procedures, which will not be influenced by emotions.
  • Objectives and goals are established that will guide you in your life, all the actions that are necessary to achieve them are planned and carried out.
  • realistic and rational posture is always maintained . They may be the ideal people to find solutions that best suit each situation.
  • They appreciate their independence and therefore can make decisions for themselves. But they will also know how to listen and understand other people’s advice, they will be taken as a reference when they finally make the final decision.
  • They have the ability to recognize their strengths and weaknesses . This quality influences the possibility of making assertive decisions, they maintain an objective position that allows observing all the most relevant aspects.
  • In the same way, they are aware of what their physical and mental abilities and skills are, they will use them when necessary.
  • They tend to treat others with respect by establishing an egalitarian interaction. The personal relationships of people with emotional maturity are usually healthy, there is no need to impose hierarchies that could limit communication .
  • They can anticipate or understand the possible consequences of their actions. The emotional reactions of these individuals will not always be easily influenced, external stimuli do not break their will because they will finally do what they want to do.

7 common habits of emotional maturity

Individuals who have emotional maturity usually show certain patterns in their habitual behavior, these make them easier to identify. Some of the most common habits are described below , they allow us to continually be working on the development of these skills. They are as follows:

1 Be aware of your own and others’ emotions

Being fully aware of what your own and others’ needs are, this is a characteristic that indicates that you are paying attention to everything that is happening in the environment. This is a skill that is also related to the ability to adapt .

In the same way, it connects with a greater emotional balance . By being able to identify this aspect in a person, it is possible for them to maintain an objective perspective. It can be assumed that he will not judge hastily.

2 Accept both successes and failures

The development of emotional maturity allows people to learn from each experience , this also includes mistakes. Taking into account that life will not always go the way it is expected to happen, people who have developed this quality will know how to face any difficulties that arise. It is important to learn from these experiences and take them as references that will help in the future.

3 Assertive communication

These individuals are capable of establishing good communication with anyone with whom they wish to interact. Interpersonal relationships are more bearable due to a more emotionally mature posture. The maintenance of a respectful relationship is guaranteed, in which both parties can find common agreements that benefit them.

4 Listen and understand 

This is a quality characteristic of people who have managed to fully develop emotional maturity. Actively these individuals will always keep their attention on those who request it, through verbal language and by their behavior they will show interest.

5 Independence 

These people can become detached from both family and friends, it is important for them to guarantee their personal independence. For better or for worse, they want to achieve their goals and must make decisions for which they are responsible. To do this, they know when they should or should not adhere to certain norms, values or beliefs , these references will be used wisely.

6 Leave the past behind

Being able to live in the present implies knowing how to leave in the past those conflicts or difficulties that were experienced. The melancholy, sadness , the feeling of guilt and other aspects of the past; They should not negatively influence the present. Enjoying new experiences that bring joys or opportunities is valued .

7 Take responsibility 

People with emotional maturity know that complaints, guilt, criticism and avoid certain responsibilities; they are all elements that contribute to failure. Therefore, a position is assumed in which it is tried to avoid stagnation and the motivation to continue improving as a person is promoted . In the face of any challenge, it is about reacting in the most opportune way, this means acting positively.

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Alexa Clark specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She has experience in listening and welcoming in Individual Therapy and Couples Therapy. It meets demands such as generalized anxiety, professional, love and family conflicts, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, grief, and adolescents from 15 years of age. Over the years, She felt the need to conduct the psychotherapy sessions with subtlety since She understands that the psychologist acts as a facilitator of self-understanding and self-acceptance, valuing each person's respect, uniqueness, and acceptance.

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